Thursday, August 14, 2014

You Need to Get in the Game!

You need to GET IN THE GAME!

I love lots of things in life . . . I know, it’s good to have goals! 

Seriously, this time of year I get to experience two of my loves. The first is my love of leadership, leadership development, and personal growth along with equipping people in all those areas. The second is my love of college football. This week’s blog kind of combines both!

As you may know, I am privileged to be an independent and certified speaker, trainer and leadership coach with the John Maxwell Team. If you do not know who John Maxwell is, just google him! He is currently the leading authority and writer on leadership development and personal effectiveness. He speaks literally all over the world and was recently recognized by Inc. Magazine as the #1 Leadership Expert.

This past weekend, I joined over 700 new and alumni team members in Orlando to participate in a live training event with John and his executive team as well as JMT faculty. It was an incredible time of growth and challenge that included over 12 hours of teaching time with John live and in person! Add that to the fact that college football season is just a couple of weeks away and LIFE IS GOOD!

I will be sharing many “nuggets” in future blogs but I want you to reflect on this quote from John:

Exceptional people GET in the Game and STAY in the Game!

This speaks to exactly the notion that inspired the name of my firm, Out Loud Strategies. Specifically, if you have responsibilities. If you have a big “WHY”. If you have something that is of higher value to you. Then you have to GET IN THE GAME and LEAD OUT LOUD! There is just no other acceptable option. But just getting in the game is not enough, you have to STAY there. This requires you to be resilient when leadership stops being fun and starts just being hard work. You have to be persistent even in the face of setbacks and challenges. I think you get the picture but so many do not and regret doing so.

So the big question for this week is:
Are you in the game or on the sidelines?
You may be in the game but are struggling to stay there or just hoping the coach will call you off the field?
What are the consequences to you and those around if you are not sure?

As always, if I can help you Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would love to hear from you.

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner

Co-Founder – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

Hold the Date: 
John Maxwell will be hosting a ½ day live simulcast from Atlanta called the
L2 – John Maxwell Simulcast Event. It will be held on 10/10/2014 from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
To find out more or to find a local simulcast site near you, visit

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