Sunday, July 27, 2014

Are you READY to Lead?

Are you READY to Lead?

For those who have read my blog you will find I offer this challenge and encouragement:

These short phrases capture the intent and mission of Out Loud Strategies. So far, I have written about Getting Better in The Moment We Stop Improving piece. I have also encouraged you to Lead Out Loud when I told you about my friend "L" and how she is sticking her neck out by running for a local office. So why do we need to Be Ready? Ready for what?

In his book, Summoned to Lead, theologian and author Leonard Sweet describes the disastrous Antarctic expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton that ended in victory. As their ship arrived at their destination, it became trapped in the ice and was soon broken apart by the pressures of an ice ridge. Such catastrophes have happened to other expeditions but what made this one different is the Shackleton led the members of his party to safety without a single casualty! If it was not for his courage, will, and tremendous leadership ability, most if not all the party would have perished.

The point that Dr. Sweet makes is this. Whereas some leaders are born (with the personality characteristics western societies values in its leaders), and many more are made (through intention and experience), some leaders are summoned to lead in a specific place and time for a critical purpose.

Joshua Chamberlain who led the 20th Maine Regiment during the pivotal Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War stated it best when he later said, “We know not the future and cannot plan for it much, but we can determine and know the manner of person we will be whenever and wherever the hour strikes.” That is why we need to be ready as leaders. You never know what challenges you may face. Such challenges could be organizational, personal, or in your community. The best, and often only thing you can do is to be as prepared as possible. For instance:
  • What will be the values that you will refuse to compromise?
  • How will you respond to stress (remember, calm is contagious!)?
  • What resources will be at your disposal (knowledge, resilience, other people, etc.)?

As always, if I can help you Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would love to hear from you. Even better, tell me about a situation where you have been summoned to lead and the outcome!

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner

Co-Founder – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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