Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Confidence Formula.

The Confidence Formula.

Time for a "leadership confessional". Whether we want to admit it or not, even experienced and established leaders struggle with confidence from time to time. Often this happens when we are operating out of our comfort zones or when we are just not getting the results we usually enjoy. This impacts us. It starts to create doubt and erode confidence.

With that in mind, I have been thinking out loud about confidence and its origins lately. Theorist Arthur Chickering states that confidence is a critical, but I would argue little understood, component in human potential. I have the opportunity to teach a graduate level course in human development and I have become more and more convinced, confidence is the impact multiplier. For example, I believe most adults can have the intellectual capacity to handle college level work and beyond, but many do not believe that they will. Why is this? Again, I believe it has to do with confidence.

If I was ever to do another dissertation (but one was enough, thank you!), I believe I would research the origins and impact of confidence since I am convinced it bridges the gap between can (potential) and will (performance). With that in mind, here is my formula for confidence:

Potential Ability + Belief in Self + Worthiness = Confidence

Let me explain further.

Potential Ability is just the intellectual, physical, and emotional tools we have. Most individuals are born with a base-line ability to successfully complete what life demands. Ability can be improved upon, however, due to its potential for far greater improvement.

Belief in Self is foundational and I have often written about this. Confident people have a healthy self-appreciation for what they can do and what they have the potential to do.

Worthiness (versus deservedness) reinforces to a leader to be where they are or to be doing what they are doing. It is the belief that you are just as worthy as anyone else to have that position or role.

So how does this come back around to leadership? Leadership Confidence starts with your current ability but intentional leadership growth will expand that potential to lead better and more effectively. Obviously leaders must place a value on themselves and believe in their efforts. Finally, leaders have an innate mind-set that they are worthy to lead. Keep in mind this is very different from a deservedness point of view.

Here is the exciting part of this, all three elements in the formula can be self-developed but also developed in others!

So where are you lacking confidence? Just plug into the formula. Maybe you need to stretch your abilities, learn a new skill, affirm you belief, or rediscover your WHY (thus worthiness) you are leading! At the same time, lift someone else up and do the same for them. As John Maxwell states, we inspire ourselves when we inspire others!

As always, if I can help you Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would love to hear from you. Also, as a bonus, if you go to my Out Loud Strategies website ( and enter your contact information, I will send you a FREE guide to establishing a mentoring initiative program in your organization! Such an initiative would be critical in order to add value to your organization!

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner

Co-Founder – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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