Sunday, March 12, 2017

Leaders are ALWAYS communicating whether we know it or not!

According to research by the Carnegie Institute, 85% of our success in life depends on our ability to Lead, Communicate and Negotiate. Accordingly, in his great book Building the Bridge As You Walk On It, Robert Quinn shares that as leaders we are “constantly communicating about ourselves. Everything we say, everything we do, everything we wear, communicating something about us.” Now that is enough to give anyone pause (not to mention a thought that can keep me up at night!) and has me thinking out loud about the impacts of communication in our leadership and personal lives.

Gallup also addresses this in that when describing how communication impacts building customer intimacy or brand affinity. With EVERY interaction with a team member or client, we either INCREASE or DECREASE our level of engagement with them . . . such interactions are NEVER NEUTRAL! This means that with EVERY communication including phone calls, in-person meetings, texts, emails, social media, invoices, etc. our “influence stock” is either going up or going down! Stated another way by my great mentor Rick Miller, everything we do as leaders and organizations either underlines or erases everything we say or consider important. The point is this, we ARE constantly communicating about ourselves as leaders thus; are either highlighting or diminishing our personal/organization brand and its promises with EVERY interaction big or small.

So, if we just think about this for a moment, our communications, verbal or otherwise, takes on greater importance due to its huge implications in our ability to lead others, conduct business, and influence. With that in mind, John Maxwell in his outstanding work, Everyone Communicates – Few Connect, proposes three critically important communication COMMITMENTS we should make to leverage our communication and interactions to their upmost value.

Commit to Know Yourself – First, this involves being constantly and consciously aware of HOW and WHAT we are communicating to others. We need to be authentic and sincere as to what we truly believe and consider important. We must make sure our words and behaviors match. Trust me, we aren’t fooling anybody when the opposite is true!

Commit to Know Your Audience – I have often shared that leaders are AMPLIFIED PEOPLE in that our words take on greater meaning and impact due to the fact that others are listening to us. It is important to communicate to the needs and preferences of your audience and not the other way around! Communicate what you want them to KNOW and what you are asking them to DO in language they can understand and appreciate.

Commit to Know Your Stuff! – It is important that as leaders, we know what we are talking about using the best information available to us. Nothing will lower our stock with a follower or customer more than just “winging it.” Honesty and accuracy will trump sounding authoritative every time. If something arises you are not sure about, then just admit it but then commit to finding the answers and loop back. I promise your credibility will not suffer but in fact, will increase!

The point is this, we ARE constantly communicating about ourselves as leaders thus; are either highlighting or diminishing our personal and organization brand and its promises with EVERY interaction big or small.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would invite you to email me or to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact! In fact, I am launching a new SPEAKING FOR IMPACT training program that will help both novice and experienced leaders increase their speaking and communication skills! Also, as a bonus, if you go to my Out Loud Strategies website ( and enter your contact information, I will send you a FREE guide to establishing a mentoring initiative program in your organization! Such an initiative would be critical to add value to your organization!

Yours in Leadership (and still walking both roads!),

Bill Faulkner

Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies

Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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