Sunday, December 3, 2017

Congratulations, you are now a national role model . . . seriously!

At the risk of adding one more element to the “national crises” carousel, I believe the crises du jour is a role model crises! Hollywood and the broadcast news mediums are imploding with reports of sexual harassment and misconduct among its top celebrities. The personal and domestic violence allegations against professional athletes are compounding. Don’t even get me started about the charges of corruption and misconduct among career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum. Finally, and most regrettably, the US space program, once an inspiring combination of bravery and innovation, has become a shell of its former glory and now our astronauts have to hitch rides on other country’s vehicles. All this has me thinking out loud about if there is anyone left to look up to?

Now granted, I do believe there are still good and honest individuals in all the streams of influence I reference above. The problem, however, is that when the top leaders and notables in those industries fall from grace, it brings down the entire institution. We think that if those individuals who have reached the pinnacle of success in their fields of endeavor can’t get it right, then what does that say about the entire institution they represent?

As I was taught to do as a young professional, however, if you are going to identify a problem then you need to generate a solution. So here is my solution . . . YOU! That’s right, you the average Joe and Joan citizen who go to work each day, put forth your best effort, and do it all in an ethically responsible way. You are now my official hero. Seriously, they ought to make trading cards with your picture because you are our last, great hope to make society a more just, innovative, and responsive one. In fact, I would go as far to say that you are the only who deserves it because until the culture of professional athletics, entertainment, media, and the government decides to change, the individuals who are part of those establishments are not worthy of ANY kind of recognition or admiration.

So now that I have appointed you to this new national role, how can you maximize your potential as a billboard worthy role model whose words and deeds are ones the rest of us should emulate?  Trust me, there is no pressure here. You can handle your new-found role in the national spotlight walking in your sleep!  But just in case you need some reminders, here are a few recommendations:

Realize Your Value
Recently a former student leader of mine, Chris Conlan who serves as an executive producer for Voice America, encouraged me to apply to have my own show on this network. After I submitted the application, I started to worry about who I would have as guest on the show. I did not worry about that for very long because I was able to quickly answer the question with the names of the quality people in my life that deserve to have their stories told. They are not rich or famous, but they are healers and educators, activists and philanthropists, innovators and millennial motivators. They have and add such value and you do to. You are worthy of being someone’s role model because you have earned the right to be! By the way, if you feel I am worthy of it, I would love your vote to have my own show on Voice America so feel free to visit to get an idea of my intention and the nature of the show .

Understand Your Impact
I once heard it said that even the quietest person can influence over 10,000 people. Now in this age of social media, I would 10X that! I bet you have no idea of how many people you positively influence on a day to day basis. That great example spreads like a social contagion from the people you directly influence to those they know and subsequently influence. And so it goes. Your impact spreads far beyond you in both time and distance so get it right!

Decide Where You are Taking the Rest of Us
The first two steps in becoming a national role model discussed above occur almost subconsciously. You just do what you do because that is what you do! In the spirit of transparency, I got that great quote from one of my former team members, Dr. Jene Kapela who, herself, is a great role model and started her own consulting and volunteer vacation firm -

This third step, however, requires a new level of personal awareness. If you buy into the fact that you have and add value which, trust me, you do then I would encourage you to take a good hard look about where you want this new level of national prominence and influence to take the rest of us. What do you want your leadership to actually DO? I once explained to a former student that I believed she had the potential to be one of the strongest leaders the campus had ever experienced. I don’t think she believed me at the time but my “oh so prophetic pronouncement” did come to pass! A couple of years later we were talking about an issue she was involved in and I asked her where did she intend her leadership to take others. Like you, I do not think she ever thought of herself in that light or even considered the question. Eventually she understood that when you are a role model, everything you do, say, post, etc. has impact - one way or the other.

The point is this, there is no such thing as a “neutral” role model. You are constantly influencing people for good or ill, so you need to decide where you want to take us. To be clear, this is not arrogance, it is merely a fact. This fact, however, can be life changing (if not life cringing!) because when you understand this, it will:
  • Influence your decisions
  • Color all your conversations
  • Define the nature of your relationships
  • Impact your actions
  • Shape your legacy

I started this week’s blog with a bit of melodrama, but it is concerning to think that institutions that were once trusted and revered are now suspect and reviled. Our communities are desperate for women and men of integrity so why can that not be you? I know this is a bit of a scary proposition but why not you? Just step up, speak out, and lean in! It is you we are waiting on. In fact, if you need some further inspiration, watch this great video produced by Leadercast.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would invite you to email me or to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact, especially when it comes to creating organizational values that stick! I am also pleased to announce the launch of my first book, Leading Out Loud: Strategies for Raising Your Leadership Voice! available on Also, as a bonus, if you go to my Out Loud Strategies website ( and enter your contact information, I will send you a FREE guide to establishing a mentoring initiative program in your organization! Such an initiative would be critical to add value to your organization!

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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