Sunday, July 29, 2018

This is What Unhealthy Competition Gets You.

According to research done by the Ken Blanchard company, their workplace surveys reveal that 75% of employees identify their supervisor as the leading source of stress in their work environment. So much so that when given the choice between a better boss or a significant raise in pay, 65% responded they would prefer a better boss! When I read such statistics, it has me thinking out loud that what in the world is going on! We have access to more leadership books, speakers, seminars, videos, and formal academic curriculums than ever before and we are still suffering from poor leadership in the workplace and other arenas.

I believe that a major source of stress is caused by supervisors (I am not going to call them leaders!) who intentionally or inadvertently create unhealthy competition within work environments. These individuals are under the mistaken assumption that if they create gladiatorial combat within the cubicle arena by pitting individuals or groups against each other, then productivity will increase. Such an absurd practice was lampooned a few years ago by a major company that produced TV commercials of rival groups of employees in their power suits squaring off with each other in a jungle setting using office furniture and equipment as props. Whereas the commercials were meant to be humorous, they did not always stray far from the truth of some environments.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-competition. Whereas I am usually a calm, cool, and collective cat, I turn almost rabid during college football season. Go Georgia Bulldogs by the way! If you are a “challenger brand” then you certainly want to be in a place where you are competitive to a legacy organization. And there is always a place for friendly competition. The competition I am talking about, however, is when it is intentionally created or allowed to happen WITHIN an organization where promotions, resources, recognitions, etc. are allocated not on merit, teamwork, or the best ideas, but who can make their numbers the fastest regardless of the human cost for doing so.

Not only does such an antiquated approach have a human cost, I believe it also has negative impacts on productivity, market share, and eventual profitability because the boss is getting counterfeit results versus real quality effort! These are just a few ideas but here is what unhealthy competition gets you:

Work based upon Appearances and Visuals versus Effectiveness – this is the kind of work that may appear flashy but is it really quality work? Just because it is packaged nicely it does not mean the product or service is any better, effective, etc.

Information that is more based on what people think you WANT to hear versus NEED to hear – in the unhealthy environment that toxic leaders create, direct reports are so concerned about protecting turf, jobs, and resources that they will readily agree with senior leaders even if they know it is a bad idea. If you are the kind of leader that only wants to hear what you want to hear, then eventually what you hear has no value.  

Time WASTED on protecting Turf versus time WELL SPENT on Innovation and/or Client Enhancement – speaking of turf, you will never get best efforts if team members are more worried about their employment and resources. In fact, I bet you can see a reverse correlation between innovation and customer satisfaction with time and energy spent on survival strategies and maneuvering.

Activity as Opposed to Results – we have all seen the phenomena of how busy everyone seems to get when a senior leader who promotes unhealthy competition walks in the room. The casual and relaxed atmosphere quickly turns quiet and strained where all you hear is the clacking of keyboard keys! In unhealthy cultures, it is more important to appear busy than achieving important results or breakthroughs.

Compliance versus Creativity – in Liz Wiseman’s and Greg McKeown’s great book, Multipliers, the authors stress that unsafe environments only produce safe ideas. I guarantee you that an organization based upon incremental goals will ALWAYS be eclipsed by the organization that takes risks. This is the defining characteristic of a disruptor. They know to gain a foothold in the crowded marketplace, they have to take risks and that “playing it safe” is a non-starter. In workplaces where there is too much competition within the system, however, teams and units will be hesitant to put themselves “out there” too much in the fear they will get cut off so they stick to just the safe ideas that are just variations of what worked well in the past.

Clearly, there has to be a better way and there is. Next Level Leaders know that unhealthy competition produces the negative outcomes shared above and in my next blog, I will present some strategies directed at changing such an environment whether you created it or inherited it. I have read many a story of how a new CEO or leader walked in such a situation created or allowed by predecessor and changed things around with consistently powerful and positive results on people, processes, and profits.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact.

If you want to know more about finding your leadership platform, I would direct you to Leading Out Loud: Strategies for Raising Your Leadership Voice! available on I would also be happy to share the full NEXT LEVEL LEADERS training resources with you or your organization or personally coach you through the process. Please feel free to contact me for a no obligation inquiry.

Vita Integro,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Are you NEXT LEVEL? Six steps to get there!

When you think of NEXT LEVEL Brands, Teams, Companies, and even Leaders, what comes to mind? I bet you think of companies like Apple, Amazon, SpaceX, Uber, or Dell. Teams such as the Cleveland Cavaliers, the Yankees, or Alabama swirl around in your consciousness. Leaders such as Jeff Bezos, Carly Fiorina, Elon Musk, or Oprah Winfrey could even be in your personal leadership hall of fame. But how did these organizations or individuals get to be NEXT LEVEL? What do they do, say, know, or value? This has me thinking out loud about how we become NEXT LEVEL and is there a process to get there?

If you have read my earlier blogs, you will know that I refer to those who have done the hard work of adopting and practicing Servant Leadership as NEXT LEVEL Leaders due to the dramatic shift in attitudes and behaviors required. In this instance, the NEXT LEVEL process outlined certainly refers to leadership but it also can be applied to any professional competencies and capabilities you want to achieve. Like many things, this is easier said than done but I want to at least provide a framework that will be of value in your professional trajectory.

Before you begin to consider applying the professional development strategy, you need to ask yourself what NEXT LEVEL are you chasing? Asked another way, when you think of YOURSELF, what do you REALLY WANT in terms of your next role, position, capacities, etc.? In other words, what do you want to be able DO that you are not doing now? What do you want to KNOW that you do not know now? What do you want to BECOME in your professional life?
Becoming NEXT LEVEL in any enterprise requires that you attend to three primary areas according to author Nancy Walborn in her book, Future Perfect. These areas include
  • Personal Qualities – such as honesty, commitment, integrity, and inclusion
  • Knowledge Base – both in terms of formal academic preparation and your own valuable personal experience.
  • Competency Areas – such as Task Management, Process Management, and Resources Management.

Again, what are you chasing? I use that word very intentionally since getting to a Next Level as you define it is not going to just come to you. No one gets better at anything by accident! We have to be very INTENTIONAL in our pursuit of Next Level career goals. Once you have a better idea of what your Next Level is, complete the following six-part process.

  1. Assess WHAT YOU HAVE in terms of current level of Key Qualities, Competencies and Knowledge Base. The point being you do not have to start from zero. You are already equipped in some many relevant areas, just take a solid inventory of them.
  2. Next, consider WHAT YOU NEED in light of your response to the What Next Level Are You Chasing question. What qualities do you need to develop, knowledge or experience do you need to gain, and competencies to master that you do not now?
  3. Based upon the difference between your Current Functioning and Where You Want To Be, IDENTIFY AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT in terms of Qualities, Knowledge, and Competencies.
  4. Next, Define, Describe, and Prioritize DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES. When doing so, consider what would provide the biggest return on your career development investment. What areas are you motivated to grow and develop right now?
  5. Using those priorities, develop ACTION PLANS to grow in the areas you have identified. These Action Items could include further education or certifications, informational interviews and shadowing, gaining a mentor, or a completing a professional internship.
  6. Finally, make sure to set clear benchmarks or MASTERY METRICS that will give you a clear indication of when and where you have obtained Next Level mastery.  Make sure to provide specific timelines and indicators.

Just as an example, let’s say you have given this matter a lot of thought and decided that in order to reach the next level of your career trajectory, you need to have a better grasp of formal Project Management strategies. This has risen as your number one priority, so your goal is to understand the differences between various project management processes, tools, and strategies with the intention of eventually earning a Project Management certification to add to your professional portfolio. Your Action Items include researching the pro/con of various approaches, conducting an informational interview with a current certified project manager to discover what she does, how she does it, and the formal training involved. Finally, you decide that your metrics of success involve obtaining a relevant Project Management certification within six months and successfully lead a team through at least two successful project management processes and launch.

Again, Next Level professionals and leaders operate at incredibly high levels because of:
  • What they ARE
  • What they KNOW
  • What they can DO
Always keep these three elements in mind as you seek to grow not only yourself but others as well. When you bet better, everyone around you does too! Also, with some tweaking, you can even apply the process described above on a Team or Organizational Level. Instead of Personal Qualities, consider what are the foundational Organizational Values or Culture desired and then develop the process of the Organizational Knowledge and Competencies that need to be developed to reach your Next Level aspirations.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact.
If you want to know more about finding your leadership platform, I would direct you to Leading Out Loud: Strategies for Raising Your Leadership Voice! available on I would also be happy to share the full NEXT LEVEL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT resources with you or your organization or personally coach you through the process. Please feel free to contact me for a no obligation inquiry.

Vita Integro,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Do you have a Life Motto that changes lives?

Endurance is the legendary survival story of Sir Ernest Shackleton. In 1914, Shackleton and his crew set sail for Antarctica aboard the Endurance, a three-masted ship named for the Shackleton family motto: Fortitudine Vincimus (By Endurance We Conquer). Back in Shackleton’s era, such family mottos were taken very seriously. These statements were the modern-day equivalent of the corporate mission or value statement and to live or behave in a manner in contradiction to one was to bring disgrace to a family. This has me thinking out loud that there could very well be value in having such a statement as the magnetic north of our moral compass.

Such simple motto statements can have enormous power and influence in our life and the lives of others. Shackleton’s experience is a clear case in point as explained in a wonderful leadership blog by pastor and author Tommy Kiedis, The Leaders Life and Work ( Tommy explains that a year into the expedition the Endurance became trapped in an ice pack in the Weddell Sea in the Antarctic. It remained stuck in the frozen sea for ten months before finally cracking up due to the glacial pressure of the surrounding ice.

In an attempt to save his entire crew, Shackleton and five crewmen made an incredibly dangerous ocean crossing by sailing 800 miles in a small boat to reach a tiny island that they had to find or all would have been lost. Theologian Leonard Sweet also uses this story of Shackleton in his book, Summoned to Lead, to illustrate universal leadership principals. Essentially Dr. Sweet proposes that whereas some leaders are made and other leaders are born, some leaders are summoned!

In Shackleton’s case, I would propose he drew upon all three methods! Like most young men of his time, he was expected to lead (i.e. Leadership Born) even though he did not come from a particularly prominent family. His first experience in the polar regions was as a third officer on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery Expedition of 1901 where I am sure he learned the skills, attitudes, and qualities expected of leading others into dangerous and unknown waters (Leadership Made or Learned). By the time of his now famous expedition, Shackleton actually led two others, he turned disaster into victory by saving his entire crew against incredible odds of anyone surviving (Leadership Summoned).

You see, I believe that living with the constant reminder of Fortitudine Vincimus, Shackleton would prefer death over any dishonor. He knew that if he and his crew could endure the harsh conditions just one more mile or one more minute, they would be that much closer to salvation. Such a life motto provided him with the physical and emotional courage to attempt to sail hundreds of miles in a freezing ocean in a small wooden lifeboat with only rudimentary survival and sailing aides in an attempt to not just save his own life, but the lives of many others. In his 1956 address to the British Association, Sir Raymond Priestley, one of Shackleton’s contemporaries, said other polar explorers had their unique qualities and strengths but “when disaster strikes, and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton!"

So, do you have a guiding life motto? Granted it does not need to be in Latin, although it sounds pretty cool when it is! For instance, if I was to choose the motto: A Life that Matters, in Latin (using a simple on-line Google translator) it would be Vita Integro. Not bad, huh? Here as some questions that may help you discover a powerful Life Motto.

What do you want to be known for?

What matters most to you?

What is your greatest personal strength?

What words would motivate you during the difficult times?

What words could act as a positive and constant affirmation that you could use to calibrate your actions and motives every day?

Trust me, I need such a moral compass to remind me what should be most important. Maybe a life motto could be of service to you too? In fact, I would recommend adding yours to your email signature. It would certainly generate some discussion, but it would also be a great accountability tool. If you are willing to proclaim to people what your life intention is or what is stands for, then you best be living in and up to it! It may also be a great family or other organizational activity to facilitate. In this day of corporate values lists as long as your arm, maybe just a simple phrase would be all you, your family, and/or your organization needs to stay centered and focused on what matters most and how you will live your life no matter what happens. Even if you find yourself in stormy seas . . . perhaps especially then.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact.

If you want to know more about finding your leadership platform, I would direct you to Leading Out Loud: Strategies for Raising Your Leadership Voice! available on Also, I am happy to announce that I am now offering a two-part NEXT LEVEL Servant Leadership Training. The first part is a fun and interactive introduction into what Servant Leadership is and the impact it can have, and the second part provides an Action Plan to create and activate a Servant Leadership culture curriculum within your organization. Please feel free to contact me for a no obligation inquiry.

Vita Integro,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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For more information on the John Maxwell Team, please visit

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Sunday, July 8, 2018

You just could just be a Legendary Figure in your organization!

Have you ever wondered why just about every other movie or TV show that the entertainment industry is producing these days is about some sort of superhero? Seriously, if this keeps up they are going to run out of special powers and the next thing you know we will be watching the daring exploits of Actuary Man statistically battling Chaos! This got me thinking out loud that the obvious reason for this trend is that this genre makes the entertainment industry a lot of money, but I think the deeper reason is that it meets our intrinsic needs for legendary heroes and role models in a very cynical world. This also has me thinking you can be legendary in your own right and may already be so!

As an example, in Stephen M. Covey’s book, The Speed of Trust, he shares the story of JetBlue CEO, David Neelman, who drove to JFK Airport to check passengers in on his personal laptop during a power outage. I bet there are legendary figures in your own organization. The leader that bravely stood up and questioned the course of the organization or the leader that chose not to sell their business even when it would have meant huge personal profits, but they knew such an acquisition would have resulted in the loss of jobs in a small community. These “next level” leaders are legendary, almost mythical, figures not because they have some bizarre superpower but because their power or influence comes from what is already inside of them. So, if I was to write the script, here are the superpowers of Next Level Servant Leaders that become legends in their own right.

Moral Courage – Next Level leaders have a moral compass that cannot be influenced or redirected. They have an instinctive sense of what the right thing to do is even if it is not convenient or easy to do it.

Consistency – closely aligned with Moral Courage, consistency insures that not only do we do the right things, but we do them consistently. This establishes a track record of both personal integrity but also demonstrates what leaders expect of others.

Vision – not the kind that allows you to see through buildings, but vision that energizes others and helps keep them focused when the work gets tough. Like the superheroes on the big or small screen, Legendary Leaders believe in and fight for a better world or situation for ALL of us and not just some of us.

Conviction – is when passion meets purpose. Legendary leaders are so convinced that what they are doing is of value, they refuse to be shaken in their resolve or distracted from their goals. You see, it is that sense of conviction that allows leaders to view sacrifices, discomfort, and failure as not barriers but just what they need to overcome to reach a “Bigger Yes!” Think about it, how interesting would the story be if our favorite superhero did not have to overcome a powerful nemesis or debilitating personal struggle?!?!

These are just a few of the “superpowers” of legendary leaders and I bet you can add to or create your own list. Just think about the person in your organization who is the subject of the “remember when he did this” or “she started this organization with just a few friends working out of her basement” story. Why are people sharing that story over and over? What are or were those leaders like? I bet they are people of incredible integrity much like Dean of Students Dr. William Tate at the University of Georgia who in the midst of potentially violent protests over the U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam in the 1960s, quietly sat down in the grass with the students in front of the administration building. He did not threaten or demand they disperse, he listened and demonstrated all the qualities above. Such an approach was in sharp contrast to how other universities where using national guard or state police to break up such demonstrations, usually with destructive results.  

One of the best ways to know that you have become a legendary Next Level Servant Leader is when people start telling stories about you. Not that you will ever ask them to but because your legendary exploits will be so positive that they become part of the lore or mythology of the organization. As Henk Broeders, head of Cap Gemini in the Netherlands shares, “A trusted leader can only exist over the long term in a large organization if there are good myths about them.”

In all honesty, we do not need comic book characters to look up to. We need real people like you to step up. People that make things, cure things, teach things, build things, help things, and create things. It does not matter if you are a young emerging leader or seasoned leadership veteran. We need both of you and everyone in between. I challenge you to everyday do something that will make you a hero to someone else. All you need is the greatest power of all, the power of the human heart and spirit! It’s you we are waiting on to come save us all.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact.

If you want to know more about finding your leadership platform, I would direct you to Leading Out Loud: Strategies for Raising Your Leadership Voice! available on Also, I am happy to announce that I am now offering a two-part NEXT LEVEL Servant Leadership Training. The first part is a fun and interactive introduction into what Servant Leadership is and the impact it can have, and the second part provides an Action Plan to create and activate a Servant Leadership culture curriculum within your organization. Please feel free to contact me for a no obligation inquiry.

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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For more information on the John Maxwell Team, please visit

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

You may be Technically Good but are you Leadership Great?

According to Darren Hardy, CEO of SUCCESS Magazine, 83% of organizations say it's important to develop leaders at all levels yet only 5% have fully implemented development at all levels. The reason why this occurs is that organizations just ASSUME leadership is happening versus ASSURING it is! This has me thinking out loud that we spend so much of our time and resources preparing ourselves for the technical aspects of our jobs (i.e. accounting, project management, diagnosis, etc.) but we just hope we will be ready when we take on leadership roles.

As a leadership educator in higher education and now consultant, it is clearly obvious that college and universities do a fair job in training and educating the American workforce for the practical aspects of our roles but falls short in preparing us for the interpersonal/leadership skills needed to be successful. The problem with such a by design vs by default approach is that when we do reach the inevitable point in our careers when we have responsibility for leading others, we are woefully unprepared. In fact, according to research conducted by the Ken Blanchard Company, 75% of those surveyed revealed that their supervisor constitutes the most stressful part of their job. Equally telling is that when given the choice between a better boss or a significant raise in salary, 65% of the respondents would choose a better boss! Houston (and I might as well add New York, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Madrid, Tokyo, and London for that matter) we have a problem here

According to Gallup, staff disengagement and staff departures can usually be linked back to poor leadership. As leadership guru John Maxwell says, people quit people not organizations! The good news, however, is that when effective leadership is present, organizations grow, flourish, and retain their top talent. If you are not convinced yet, allow me to share one more data-point. According to the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 85% of your success in life (i.e. career, financial, personal) is based on your ability to lead and communicate. Only15% is based on your technical abilities! Again, think about how you were educated and trained for your current role. I would bet that the converse of the above data-point was true in that well over 90% of your preparation was technical and if you did gain any leadership training, it was either due to an extra-curricular experience or some content that you personally pursued to self-teach yourself.

Now don’t get me wrong, it is important to be competent in your role. According to Stephen M. Covey, establishing trust with team members is dependent on being capable and results driven. But as we have seen, that is only 15% of the “effectiveness paradigm”. It is important to be technically good, but we need to become leadership great! So how do we make the shift? How do we make up for our lack of leadership preparation? Put simply, time to go back to school! I have heard time and time again that the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders in other fields are continual learners. They prioritize their time and are constantly retooling their leadership and interpersonal skills to be more effective. They understand that what got them here is not sufficient for the next step.

You may be thinking you simply do not have the time or resources to engage in such a deep dive but the good news you do not have to. Much like a successful launch of a new product or service, you can scale a process for self-improvement as follows:

Explore –
Take just an hour each week for the next four weeks to explore some new leadership content. There are so many free resources out there anything from blogs like this to a Minute with Maxwell video that you can subscribe to for free. Just let Google lead you there but explore content from many different thought leaders.  

Engage –
Once you have explored, focus on one or two authors or speakers that resonate well with you. Engage in what Executive Coach Ed DeCosta calls “Windshield U” where instead of listening to the morning DJ antics on the radio, listen to a podcast or book during your commute to and from work or during a walk or workout.

Expand –
It is important to then take a deeper dive into content that you like and works for you. Increase your reading and study time. Click on the hour-long teaching content on You Tube versus just the five-minute overview. Keep a Reflection Journal and record the lessons, observations, and your experiences with applying the content. At some point if you want to change or increase your leadership capabilities, you have to spend the time and effort. You will find that the more you do this, the more time available to do so suddenly appears! If you have the time and means, attend a seminar that your organization is sponsoring. Again, not the get rich quick variety, just sincere leaders and trainers who are truly vested in organizational success.

Commit –
Next, commit to putting into practice what the authors or thought leaders are teaching you. Really make a sincere effort. It will be awkward at first. Your team members may be confused with your new approach and it takes several weeks to put a practice into a consistent behavior, but the effort will be more than worth it. The other commitment is to be constantly improving. Once you, your team, your colleagues, and supervisor notices your increased abilities, they will expect more. You will also probably experience co-workers approaching you about how they can experience the success you have gained.

Finally, if you feel you want to focus your efforts more deliberately, reflect on the following questions to help find resources that better align with your needs.
What are your leadership issues?
How much time are you spending on personnel matters?
What did you prepare for?
What has caught you off guard?
What will it take to obtain a more significant leadership role within your industry?

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact.

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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For more information on the John Maxwell Team, please visit

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