Sunday, February 2, 2020

It’s time for some Reckless Leadership!

It’s time for some Reckless Leadership!

Lots of times when we hear the word “reckless”, it is thought of being ill advised, inappropriate, or against the norm. Now I don’t know about you, but I have been known to do some things what would be considered a bit reckless though more on the ill advised but not illegal side of the tracks just to be clear! Anything from zip lining, SCUBA diving, or crawling around a pitch dark abandoned nuclear missile silo come to mind. Here’s the thing, it was during some of these more reckless experiences is when I felt keenly alive, learned about my capabilities, and/or found a lesson in the experience I could share with others. This has me thinking and asking out loud, what if we were a little more reckless with our leadership?!

Church leader and leadership author, Tommy Kiedis, shares that a life of faith and leadership was never meant to be safe or comfortable. In fact, just the opposite.  A life of leadership involves sticking your neck out and making things better by challenging the status quo. It means speaking up when everyone else is hesitant to do so. It means taking the risk of empowering your followers to do and be their very best.

The challenge is that during this time of rampant toxic workplace cultures, elected officials acting like children, and just a general lack of using any kind of filter between thoughts and works said out loud, we are experiencing a crisis of principled leadership. In fact, the Ken Blanchard company’s research on workplace environments reveals that 70% of employees point to their supervisor as the leading cause of workplace stress. This is substantiated conversely but Gallup’s research that shows the number one factor that leads to positive workplace cultures rest with the quality of leadership present in that environment.

All this points me to that it is time for men and women of courage to become reckless in their leadership because as leadership author Tim Elmore shares this new normal of toxic leadership has become commonplace but is still by no means acceptable. It’s time to go against the grain and do the right thing, the bold thing, the lifting the human spirit thing such as:

Reckless Leadership is BOLD – I recently read an article entitled, “How did we get so small?” Essentially the author was questioned why humankind is more and more adverse to attempt big things. Ancient civilizations build huge stone monuments, in the 20th century we put men on the moon and built tunnels under the sea. Luckily, reckless leaders like Elon Musk are helping us dream big again. To figure out cost effective ways to explore other planets. We need bold and audacious leaders in the workplace to try big things. To push institutions to set aside the old command and control leadership approaches and start to maximize the human capital available to us to solve big problems.

Reckless Leadership is EMPOWERING – If you hire capable people, then be reckless enough to let them do their jobs! You can certainly provide expectations and direction, but if you continue to monitor all their actions, then what’s the point. What did you gain besides just your own ideas? Why not use the full potential of thought, action, and energy that comes from a team running on all cylinders! Conversely, there is nothing more empowering than to make such decisions with them! Will it take more time, yes it will. Will it result in a different outcome or way you would do it, probably. I promise you, however, you will create a team member that wants to stay with you and do their best for you. Just consider your own preference. Would you rather things done with you versus to you?

Reckless Leadership is CATALYTIC – NOW is when we really need leaders to be reckless. To raise valid questions. To evaluate our own words and actions. To take the bold step of asking our stakeholders their perceptions and be ready for the “ouch” moments that may come with the answers you get back. To start movements that will transform communities and organizations where all are lifted and NO ONE is marginalized. To move beyond the sandbox of partisan politics and actually try to solve worthy problems. Catalytic reactions, however, need time and fuel. There is a requirement of vigilance that comes with being reckless.

It is a sad commentary that leaders who want to be and do the right thing are considered reckless or out of the norm, but that is where we are right now. Trust me, I know I am asking a lot and that all of this is much easier blogged than done. Just start with you and your team. Just start with the internal course corrections you need to make. Enlist trusted colleagues to take the journey with you. That is how this starts and how things start to turn around . . . with just small acts of reckless leadership!
As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to contact me.

Yours in leadership,

Bill Faulkner
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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