Sunday, August 25, 2019

Never underestimate the power of “just enough”!

I believe that one of the reasons that people do not attempt to find their leadership voice is that they are afraid it will call upon them to do great things, big things, life changing things . . . . and sometimes that is true. But I was thinking out loud the other day that often it is the small things leaders do that make the biggest impact. The “just enough” things!

I have been blessed to have a career that allows me to work with and, hopefully, impact others in a very positive way. I will admit that I often get caught up in the “grand gesture” as a metric of leadership success. That time when I did that big thing, that life changing thing (and thankfully, there have been a few of those!). But more often than not, when I hear from a former or current student or client, they often refer to that small thing that made a big difference. A small favor here, some extra time there, a small inconvenience on my part or just a simple encouragement. To be honest I probably did not give it much further thought but the point is that I did just enough to help that individual get to the next level. Once there, another leader would do a little more to help that person keep moving on and up. See how this works? Your doing just what you can do is more than enough to help an individual reach their eventual goal or success!

Now you may be thinking, how could all these small things done by a number of people create such eventual impacts, that seems just so random? On the surface, you may be right but when you drill down on the following three-part equation, it makes sense.

Success is Collaborative – many of us have no idea as to the true reach of our leadership. A segment of Cheryl Bachelder’s great book, Dare to Serve, demonstrates this. These days, we spend more time with our work relationships than we do our own families. Think about the number of colleagues or direct reports you have and how many hours a week you spend with them. Then multiply that number by 50 weeks per year and you will be shocked. So. let’s say you have a team of 20 X 40 hours a week X 50 weeks per year, that gives you 40,000 hours of leadership reach!  That is a lot of time for collaboration. A lot of time to do small favors, quick guidance, an email of encouragement, or some just in time learning. ALL of this happens in the small day to day collaborations we experience but all that adds up to thousands of hours of direct assistance!

Success is Sequential – in the book, The One Thing, by Gary Keller (of Keller-Williamson Reality) and Jay Papasan, the authors propose that focusing on one thing at a time leads to big results because success is sequential. This is true for how we learn, grow, and succeed. We learn and are equipped by one leader that allows us to proceed to the next level. There, another leader further equips us for the next thing and so forth and so on. Your unique just enough contribution, doing what you could when you could, empowered someone else to proceed. I guarantee if you think about it, you can trace back your current success to a series of past events and people that enabled you to be where you are now!

Success is Cumulative – our success in life is made up of many different components. It was not just one person, or book, or class. Success is a cumulative combination of many things. A favor here, a small promotion there, or time with an encouraging person. It all starts to add up! We collect the skills, knowledge, and qualities that have been provided to us in some form or fashion. When all of that is combined, you get the capable person you are today! Even better this cycle of “just enough” leadership repeats itself time and time again.

You see, we are all part of each other’s success equation. Or at least we can be if we want to be. It does not take much, just enough to add to the progression of opportunities we gift to each other. I can honestly say that any success I have had in life is due to the help of other people. Some of their contributions were big and some were small but in the final analysis, it ALL mattered and it all made an impact. I encourage you to never doubt the power of just enough leadership. It will not take much, so what are you waiting for? Do you need my permission? Fine, you have it. I am licensed in Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina to provide such dispensations!

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I invite you to contact me.

Yours in leadership,

Bill Faulkner
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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