Sunday, October 9, 2016

Leaders Know that Hope is NOT a Strategy!

The events surrounding Hurricane Matthew contain many leadership lessons for all of us. Living in South Florida, those lessons are all too real and take on more immediacy! As fortunate as we were, clearly there are many in the Caribbean and in the Carolina’s that were not. In reflecting on my own preparations as well as those at the local and state level, it gets me thinking out loud about the importance of a leader’s ability to anticipate and prepare versus just hope things work out!

First of all, I encourage everyone to remember the sacrifices and dedication of all types of first-responders who respond to these emergencies. Everyone from law enforcement, fire/rescue, medical professionals, power crews, national guard, etc. mobilized during the storm so that they could be on the scene as soon as possible. If you listened to the briefings by state and local officials, clearly you could tell they had emergency response plans and assets that were coordinated.

Obviously I hope you and your organization never has to face such a monumental challenge, but what are the lessons to be learned here? Whereas not an exhaustive list, here are some things to consider. 

Threat Scenarios = list the possible threats to your enterprise. Do you have contingencies for your I.T. and communications if the primaries fail? What about inventory? The point is to identify the physical, digital, and human resource issues that could impact your organization.

Assets = best on the above, what assets do you have in place that you could draw upon if needed? These assets could include partnerships, expertise, equipment, procedures, backups, etc. that can help you in times of need.

Proactive Solutions = the time to have solutions is BEFORE you need them, not WHEN you need them! For example, if you live in South Florida and other hurricane possible areas, you check and restock your supplies before the season and NOT when a storm is approaching to avoid the long lines and possible shortages at the grocery store, gas station, home supply stores, etc. The same is true for your business. You may not want to make such proactive expenditures but I guarantee it is better than the alternative of not having them at all when you really need them!

Coordination = make sure you have contingency plans in advance and that all parties know what to in the case of an emergency or challenge. Coordinating with customers, vendors, your own team, etc. is critical when things come off the rails!

Mindset = when challenges emerge, what is your mindset or attitude? If you have prepared the best you can and done all that you can do, then it is up to you to stay strong and resilient. Survival experts assert that the primary difference between those the survive challenging situations and those that do not is the WILL do so!

Post Review = a big part of emergency planning is reflecting on the lessons learned after the last one! You may realize some procedures worked better than others and some assets were more important.

Leadership expert John Maxwell tells us that challenges don’t create character, they reveal them! I am sure in the days to come we will hear countless stories of how individuals and communities come together to help each other based upon individual acts of courageous and selfless leadership. I encourage you to do what you can to help the victims of this storm. If you donate, research carefully so that your generosity is maximized versus going to fund large overhead costs that is often the case with large organizations and foundations.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would invite you to email me or to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact! Also, as a bonus, if you go to my Out Loud Strategies website ( and enter your contact information, I will send you a FREE guide to establishing a mentoring initiative program in your organization! Such an initiative would be critical in order to add value to your organization!

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner

Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies

Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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