Sunday, June 3, 2018

Trust me, Millennials will not put up with horrible boss shenanigans!

The Millennial cohort (those born after 1985) makes up around 40% of the American workforce. That puts them in the majority compared to Gen X and the Boomers. Whereas each generation has their unique characteristics, I believe one that is unique to Millennials is that they have no patience or tolerance with poor leadership. This got me thinking out loud that I might want to warn the multi-generational workplace of that fact!

I have been fortunate enough to have spent my entire career working with, mentoring, teaching, and leading Millennials so I am not one of those haters who believe this is an entitled generation with no motivation or work ethic but there is some work to do. According to Gallup, 55% of Millennials are not engaged in their work (about 10% less than the national average when accounting for all generations in the workplace) yet 60% are currently open to new opportunities which is well above combined cohort average. Now you may think, “So what?” The “what” is that such job-hoping costs the U.S. economy hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Not convinced? Just consider the fact that it costs on average $10,000 to on-board a grocery store clerk. If you have never done so, you may want to ask your HR department how much it costs your organization to advertise for, interview, on-board, and train a new team member.

There is one primary thing we can do, however, to reverse and improve such trends. You guessed it, be a better leader. Better yet, be an incredible Servant Leader! A few years ago, I had the pleasure to attend a symposium on Millennials in the Workplace at the Gallup corporate campus in Omaha, Nebraska. The research and content presented was the result of a massive workplace cohort study the Gallup researchers had completed on patterns, preferences, attitudes, etc. and was incredibly thorough. According to the massive study, the results demonstrated that the primary factor that explained most of the variance related to workplace engagement was the quality of leadership received. Further, the study identified 6 Leadership Behaviors preferred by Millennials which included:
  • Providing Purpose in terms of both the business and social value of the enterprise
  • Professional Development opportunities to grow and improve skill sets
  • Providing a Coaching style of supervision where leaders demonstrate a clear personal and professional interest in their team members
  • Provide On-Going Feedback as to their progress and areas for development versus just the normal annual performance evaluation ambush
  • Focus on Strengths were team members are allowed to do what they do best
  • Encourage Work/Life Integration where social and service opportunities are part of the employment experience

Look at the list again and see if anything is familiar in terms of my last few blogs. These behaviors are what intentional Servant Leaders do. Such leaders are still directing efforts in a very intentional, results driven manner but they are also developing their teams in very deliberate and fulfilling was as well!

Now you certainly don’t have to take my word for it. You can just keep supervising others in the traditional top-down, heavy handed, horrible boss shenanigans way but it will be to your undoing. You see, unlike past generations that just put up with such toxic leadership because we thought we had to, I can promise you Millennials will not. They will challenge you, they will leave you, and they will destroy on social media if you really tick them off! Just read some of the more interesting reviews on

To this I say, good for them. Now I am not advocating chaos in the workplace, but the simple fact is that Millennials are much more aware of workplace legislation that protects employees from such abuses and they have no qualms about accessing such support. Even at a more fundamental level, Millennials know there is a better way of leading; they simply just want to be lead in that way. I recently had the opportunity to attend a training sponsored by the Ken Blanchard Company where they shared some data from one of their workplace studies. The study revealed that when given the choice, 65% of the respondents would prefer a better boss to a significant raise. Now if that does not tell us something about the need to change how we are leading others I do not know what will.

Here is the good news. It is my belief that when you do make a sincere effort to be that Servant Leader we all wish we had, not only will Millennial team members stay with you, they will want to spend time with you, learn from you, and exceed your performance expectations. In my humble experience, Millennials do not provide their loyalty easily but when they do, it is incredibly rewarding because you know you will never fully deserve it.

As always if I can help you and the people you associate with Get Better, Be Ready and LEAD OUT LOUD, I would invite you to email me or to visit my website below and see if any of the training or coaching experiences I offer can provide an impact. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of service to you!

Yours in Leadership,

Bill Faulkner
Principal Consultant – Out Loud Strategies
Independent Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team TM

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